Welcome to ScienceBits

In the blog and bits sections, you'll find various interesting science related anecdotes you'll find nowhere else (e.g., an exhaled breath condensation calculator, or a snow probability calculator), and also things you will (such as a pension calculator written for my needs).
In the Research section, you'll find articles which are more directly related to my personal research in astrophysics, or on the role of cosmic rays behind climate variability. For example, you'll find articles on the Milky Way and Ice-Ages, or on the question of which mechanism is behind the 20th century global warming, is it Solar or Anthropogenic?
If there are any comments about the site you would like to post, feel free to post them here.
Enjoy your stay in \( \int c_i e^n ce \sim B i^ts \) !
Note, you're more than welcome to post comments, however due to some flooding by spam (mostly for v-pills), some precautions were placed. There are now two options to place comments:
- Anonymous comments, using a captcha and moderation (i.e., after I verify and approve that the content is legit.)
- Register/login using a captcha, and then comment without a captcha. If the comment appears legit., the next comments will not require any approval